If Countries Texted Each Other
Image provided by Morguefile. By the way don't text while you drive! ;) Bad example of that, hehe. ;) I'm a huge fan of personified country comics/stories. They make me laugh every time, the idea of our countries as people communicating with each other makes reading the news headlines so much funnier. I mean look at this headline: Russia's Deadly T-90 Tanks vs. America's TOW Missile: Who Wins? Now imagine this as personified (meaning a country represented by one person) Russia vs personified America. It makes it a lot funnier, doesn't it? ;) Not that we should do this with all news articles, but it does bring a little more of a lighthearted feel to otherwise depressing headlines. Unfortunately most (if not all) of the personified country comics I've read have a lot of dirty ones mixed in between, which is too bad. So I don't recommend them. But it got me thinking that someone should create something that is clean and funny about personified count...