Writing Assignment 4: Write this Piece!
Well readers, are you ready for another Assignment? Good, because I have a new one up for you! This piece is a rather comical, serious and adventuresome soundtrack. It's a good one, in other words. ;) I wish I could enter these assignments, but alas, I put them on so I cannot do so! :D Rules are the same as before: 1) Listen to the music and write your piece. Please keep it a page or under a page. 2) Email it to me, or send it by Google+, or by the Blogger Contact Form. If you send it to the Blogger Contact Form, you can use the email notrealfakemail@yahoo.com if you prefer not to send your piece in with your real email. Just include your penname with your story. 3) Entries are open until next week, Sunday, the first. Write away, my dear readers! Hope you enjoy this piece. It's probably the hardest on yet, but one of the funniest! Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: No Ticket, by John Williams.