
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Long Medical Update

Some of you may recall about a month and a half ago I posted about having some health issues. During that time I was also struggling a lot with bouts of nausea, anxiety, depression, things I generally don't normally struggle with. I tend to be more of a worrier than I should be and the Lord has certainly been teaching me to give everything to Him and surrender all need to know how things will go, but there seemed to be something else going on that I just couldn't pinpoint. That is until the last couple weeks, when it became apparent I couldn't go on pushing the fact I was really struggling out of my mind anymore. I needed answers.

It's Someone's Birthday Today...

And that someone happens to be a very good friend of mine, one I know doesn't often share when her birthday is for the sake of being modest and private. Someone who cares so deeply for others and often stands in the sidelines giving encouragement. Someone who dedicates herself to her writing and research, does everything she finds to do with all her might, and is probably the most mature young woman I've ever met. Someone who loves the Lord and encourages everyone to do the same. Someone all of you know well and love dearly, and enjoy just as much as I do.