It's Someone's Birthday Today...

And that someone happens to be a very good friend of mine, one I know doesn't often share when her birthday is for the sake of being modest and private.

Someone who cares so deeply for others and often stands in the sidelines giving encouragement.

Someone who dedicates herself to her writing and research, does everything she finds to do with all her might, and is probably the most mature young woman I've ever met.

Someone who loves the Lord and encourages everyone to do the same.

Someone all of you know well and love dearly, and enjoy just as much as I do.

Today is Jesseca Wheaton's birthday!

And while I could write a super sweet birthday post about how amazing she is, what a wonderful friend she is, how great and everything she is...

I'm not going to.

Not that she isn't all of these things, but today, in honor of Jess, I am going to narrate her life in some photos I've gotten of her in the last year, and I'm going to give you "excerpts" from her life, according to me!

So sit back and enjoy as I do my best imitation of the life of Jesseca...

"Kneel!" she was ordered, and slowly, she got down onto her knees next to the feline.
If I get out of this alive, she thought, I'm going to kill the next person who tells me lions are huggable.
Never mind Emily had been the one to say that, she was still going to kill her. 

 The fact she'd already been subjected to a zoo of animals and now had to finish it off with the feeding of this vicious beast was almost too much. In fact, her face broke out in a weary grin and she laughed softly, the beast's lips touching her hands in a manner she did not appreciate.
"Emily, you're so dead now."

 She looked down at the bill on the desk and nodded methodically, approving of it's nature. Yes, this would change the country for the better, and pretty soon everyone would agree with her. Why hadn't they thought to elect her president sooner? Most likely because the weirdo behind her had opposed it, but, oh well. She was here now and the country would soon be reformed!
 Jesseca found the stranger to be somewhat perplexing, bouncing like a kangaroo full of energy, but in the end decided to humor her.
"Here, stand still for a picture," she suggested, whipping out a camera. "And try to stay still!"

From atop the mountain she could see quite clearly, her eyes narrowed as she caught sight of the plane. "That's them. We need to report them right away, before they escape!"
"Sure, sure," her assistant agreed, "right after this great photo opportunity!"

Her heart quickened and her breath caught, realizing she'd been betrayed. "Don't you dare!" she cried out, running down the slope toward her adversary. "Put it down!"
However, it was too late. The camera clicked! in defiance, and Emily laughed in victory.
This couldn't be true.
Emily had taken a photo of her without her permission!

The label was messy, this was true, but she had done her best and without training. Jess paused and glanced it over, listening to Emily chatter on in the store room with the couple and their Russian brother. I hate making labels, she thought.
But what she didn't know was not only would this label come back to haunt her...
It would serve as a memory of that day forever!

So there you have it, the life of Jesseca according to myself. It might be a little distorted... *cough, cough* But hey, it still does the job!

Happy birthday to Jesseca, a dear friend and fellow writer. You are an amazing young woman, Jess, and the Lord has surely taught me many things from you. <3 Love you lots! <3

Feel free to join in the birthday fun and comment your birthday messages for Jess below! Let's give her a great celebration today!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JESS *all the confetti*

    and this was a great post btw, Emily xD

  2. Happy birthday Jesseca!! :D
    Your life according to Emily sounds...adventuresome to say the least. ;)

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JESS!!! *romps in glitter* It's been such a blessing to get to know you! ^_^

    Have a fantastic day! (And, Emily, this post was the best, haha!)

  4. Happy birthday to an awesome pen pal, sweet sister in Christ, amazing friend, and wonderful fellow author. :D Love you so much! Wishing you all the best,
    -The other crazy ESFP in your life. ;P

  5. Aww, what a wonderful birthday post! :D Happy belated birthday, Jess!! <3

  6. Happy Birthday, Jesseca! :D

  7. Happy B-Day Jess. :)


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