It's About Time...For an Update!

Goodness I expected to blog so much more after I got married because I thought my life would slow down.

Nope, I was wrong. XD

Heelloooo blog readers! Long time no see!

So, where to begin on updates?

Right after our first kiss!
Rifka and Lina!
Lucas and I got married on February 2nd and have now been happily married for eight months to the day. We have moved once since we've gotten married and have acquired two new family members---Rifka our Karelian Bear Dog/Shetland Sheepdog mix and Lina, our crazy tri-colored tabby with far too much energy for a normal cat!

Over the last eight months, I have been sick with the flu, mono, and countless colds and sinus infections but since seem to be on the rise with better health, a huge praise! Lucas was promoted at his job and is now a foreman, and enjoys making jokes about how unbearably hard and cruel of a foreman he is. (Lucas being bossy is the farthest thing from his personality as could be humanely possible.)
Lucas and his "crew" XD

This summer, my sister just older than me married her best friend! She and her husband live in the same town in Idaho as Lucas and I do, so we get to see each other fairly often and it's wonderful. We have had countless thunderstorms, celebrated Lucas's birthday with a quiet fishing trip in the mountains, went exploring out on the Palouse and spent several weekends in Montana with Lucas's parents. It has been a wonderful and blessed summer. And, on the second day of fall, it snowed here. We got two inches!
Easter in Montana, right after we got Rifka

Our trip to Steptoe Butte in Washington!

Fishing at Sinclair Lake, Idaho!

One of our BIG thunderstorms this summer.

And now, for writing news.

Guess who pulled out their old manuscript, Free? (To read an old post about the book, click HERE)

I am editing it once more and re-polishing it with the help of my dear Lucas, whose knowledge of military history, weapons, and international military strategies is the very elements I needed to get Free up and going again and updated.

The original manuscript for Free. It's going through
some big changes
Some of you may remember the old, excited posts I did on Free many, many years before. Can you believe I started that book seven years ago? Well, now it's in for another re-haul and I am excited to see what changes are coming!

And now for some questions for you, dear readers.

I am starting up some writing once more and am curious what you would be interested in, so please don't forget to vote in the comments on what you would like to read and if you are even still interested in reading some of my works. I could...

A) offer you snippets of Free

B) pull out some old Mornelly stories, polish them up and post them here on the blog (For a refresher on the Mornellys, click HERE)

C) Write NEW Mornelly stories

D) or get really wild and show you guys a new series I have been brainstorming known as The Dreamcatcher Series

What are you the most interested in? What would you like to see? Or, because I have been slacking so much in the blogging world, did I lose most of my readers?

Thanks for reading this information dump, folks, and I hope to see you in the comments. May the Lord bless you and I can't wait to hear from you!

-Emily Sinclair


  1. *happy dance*
    Emily's baaaaaaack! <3
    Glad your health is on the rise! Being sick is no fun.
    Ooo I've missed your writing, I honestly would be thrilled to read any of your stories! xD
    Free is gonna be amazing, The Dreamcatcher is intriguing, and...the MORNELLYS. How could I NOT want to read more of their adventures? They're one of my most favorite families ever. <3
    I vote for all of the options! :D
    Welcome baaaaaaack! You've been missed! <3

    1. Thank you so much, Megs, for your never ending love and support <3 You are so sweet.

      I am excited to get back into blogging and sharing more with ya'll and hopefully get some new readers as well. Thanks for everything, Megs!

  2. Anonymous10/03/2019

    Happy to hear from you again. You have been missed. Glad that you are feeling better. Looking forward to your writings. Continued success. God Bless.

    1. Thank you so much, Marilyn, and thank you for reading the blog! I hope you enjoy what short stories I get around to putting up here. :)

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