
Hello blog readers,

I have a quick update on my little sister R. R is home now from the hospital, they sent her home on Saturday. She is happy to be home and is responding quite well to the Chemo treatment. We're so happy to have her back. She often has lots of doctors appointments throughout the week, which she doesn't like too much, but the staff at the hospital is amazing and so very nice to her. Thank you for all your prayers. We really, really appreciate it. :) R smiled when I told her that "people love you! They're praying for you!". That made her very happy. <3

Thanks again for praying. I'm hoping to resume my regular blogging schedule soon, but we'll see. There will be another Mornelly post sometime soon, I have some short(er) stories to post on them.

Thanks again for praying and for all your support. It means so much to us!


  1. Oh good! I'm so glad R. is doing well!
    But I'll definitely keep praying for her. :)

    Yay! Excited for more Mornelly stories! :D
    Have a great rest of the day Emily. :)

    1. Thank you, Megs. :) We appreciate the prayers so much.

  2. Aww, my goodness, poor little R. :( I had missed your previous "Prayers and Praises" post and didn't know about this. Just went back to read it though, and I'm so sorry to hear about all the troubles you guys are going through! My aunt was diagnosed with cancer (don't remember the type - some unusual one) and just began her chemo a few days ago, so I have a little understanding of the situation you're in.

    Prayers for R.R.. She's a brave girl! :) Good luck to you guys.

    1. I'm sorry about your Aunt, Eve. I will be praying for her and your family, I understand the shock of hearing such news. Thank you for your kind words. :)

  3. I'm so, SO glad to hear that R is doing better! Our family has been praying for her and for the rest of the family. Thank you so much for the update! :)

    1. Oh, and congratulations on being chosen as a judge for the Circle C Contest! That's so exciting that you get to do that! :D

    2. Thank you Rebekah for praying and for your kind words. And yes, I'm excited to be a judge for the contest. :) It's going to be fun to see the entries and stories!

  4. It's so good to hear the she's doing well! Praise the Lord! Both Rebekah and the rest of your family have been in my prayers. I'm so glad she's responding well to the treatment!!

  5. Very glad to hear R is doing well. I'll keep praying.

    1. Thank you very much, Rebekah. :)

  6. It's so great to hear that R is doing good! She's still in my prayers. :)

    ~Lydia~ <3

  7. Good to hear, Emily! ;-) We'll keep the entire McConnell family in our prayers. :)

  8. Oh, I'm so glad to hear that R. is doing better! I'll be keeping her in my prayers :)

    And congrats on being chosen as judge on Circle C! ;D

    1. Thank you, Blessing, for your prayers. And I'm excited to be a judge for the contest. :) It will be fun to see the entries.

  9. I’m glad to hear that R. is back at home. Along with this post comes a big hug from me on the east coast! :) Prayers for R. and your family.

    1. Thank you soooo much Mrs. Kidd. We really appreciate the prayers. I feel so bad I didn't get back to your email but I do plan on doing that soon. Thank you for dropping a note. :)

  10. Great to hear that she is home! Know that our prayers are continuing to be extended to heaven for you, R, and your family. Thanks for keeping us posted and don't feel bad for not posting regularly, you can see how bad I've been!!!

    1. Thanks, Bethany. :) We appreciate your prayers.


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