Writer's Gift

Writer's Gift
Emily McConnell

I’m just that kind of girl, you see,
A random, strange type of girl, that’s me.
I like to think outside the box,
I like to imagine what’s behind the rocks.

I’ve been given the gift of imagination, that’s true,
I can see different angles, I see past the blue.
I love my characters so much, I know,
It can consume me, yes, which isn’t good, no.

I think sometimes my passion is confusing,
to those who don’t understand my fusing.
I have a mind like that of a writer,
I’m constantly looking for ways to make things brighter.

Sometimes I realize I seem a bit, well, odd,
When I dig around to find treasure in the sod.
I make life interesting, I listen to my heart,
I find things for stories, I go and play the part.

These words come deep within me, they do,
I don’t know how to describe it, it happens to so few.
But when you’re crafting a story, when it’s coming together,
The joy inside bubbles up, you feel lighter than a feather.

God created a special person, they’re not very common,
That’s probably a good thing, or the world would be a mobbin’.
That person is called a writer, and it is a great gift to possess,
So enjoy your imagination, use it, create things from the mess!

A/N (Author's Note): This is called it's almost eleven o'clock at night on Saturday and I randomly got inspired by words. Don't ask why. It was... random...
God bless and enjoy your Sunday! (Since most of you will read this tomorrow)


  1. I love this, Emily! So very, very true. There's no better feeling than when a story comes together so perfectly. Writers are special people - they tend to see something in even the smallest detail. That could be a story, a poem, a gift, or just the ability to appreciate the beauty in whatever it is! Great rhyming. ;)

    1. Yes, precisely! We writers are our own unique kind. This was just something random I thought about last night while staring at character's pictures. The words started form, I started to mumble them, then I opened a document and they spilled out... :)

      We are given such a special gift to see the adventure in everything. I love sharing that gift with everyone else.

      Thanks for commenting!

  2. I like your note. For poetry, the inspiration is usually starting to write one poem, then write another six. But often I get the best ideas in the shower (unusual, I know), but I often get ideas just when I'm trying to go to sleep. Often times its names, and then I'm searching for pen, pencil, and paper (or I'll use the bottom of a Kleenex box-I usually have one of those near my bed because of allergies) and the light so that I record these amazing ideas that I'll hopefully use someday!
    God bless!

    1. Indi, I always got the best ideas in the shower. ;)

    2. Thanks, Indi! I don't write poetry very much (I haven't the faintest idea for the rules about it.) but when I do, it's because I'm inspired to do it. I feel poetry for me is my way of expressing something that God has pressed on my heart. My deepest sorrows are written in poetry form. I just find it expresses my feelings when I really need to.

      My best inspiration place- work. Not kidding. I am out there in the orchard, thinning apples, weeding, and I'm thinking, "Huh. What if..."
      I'm constantly getting new ideas. :)

      Thanks for commenting, Indi!

  3. Wow, I love this, Emily! Yeah, if everyone was a writer we'd all be going crazy. . .and driving everyone else crazy as well. Writers seem to do that. B-)
    Loved the poem, it's so true!! Thanks for writing and posting it! :)

    1. Haha, don't we know? B-) Actually, Jesseca, I read some of our conversations to my oldest brother last week and he actually was kind of shocked at some of the random things we talked about. He said that only writers can get away with talking like that and not be ruled as crazy. ;)

      Thanks for commenting. I'm glad you liked the poem. :)

    2. Really? Now I'm worried. . .what conversation was that? :) What we talk about doesn't seem to random to me. . . :D

    3. It was the Aichear coming after Marek conversation. Y'know, with the fight and everything? ;) Anyways, he kind of got bothered by how we could talk about each other's characters like they were real, even though the characters belonged to the other person. (I.E. I had no problem talking about Eira and you had no problem talking about Aichear) He just thought it was weird how we treated each other characters as real. ;) I don't think it's random either, but both of us are writers so he didn't quite understand the writer lingo. ;)

    4. Oh, okay B-) That makes sense. :D

  4. Thank you for this, Emily! It's SO true and very well wrote! High five!!!:D

    1. Thanks, Faith! I appreciate your encouragement- I don't write much poetry. :) I'm not very good at it.

      Glad you liked it and thanks for commenting!

  5. Super job, Emily! I Love it and it totally described you and all those other writers in the world!

    1. Thank you, Bethany! I'm glad you liked it!

  6. I really liked reading your poem! Great job! I usually get the best ideas for writing right before I go to bed :).

    1. Oh, thanks, Shai! I appreciate it!
      It seems most writers always get their ideas when they go to bed. I'm the same way. But I write the best in the morning. I allot myself an hour every morning to write. It helps me get things done faster. :)
      Thanks for commenting, Shai!

  7. It's funny, I always get awesome, absolutely crazy ideas late at night. I'm not much into writing books or stories right now; I'm attempting to write a few plays! Crazy, yes I know. I am really having trouble thinking up a good plot. Right now I'm am trying to write a Christmas show that a church could perform. My brain keeps running into the wall, it seems none of my ideas have much potential. Ideas are soo welcome!!!!

    1. Wow, Audrey! That sounds like fun! I don't know a thing about writing plays or even know where to began, but Indi Raine (she commented on this post, actually) knows a lot about writing plays so you should check her blog out. I've never written a play, but I can tell you this- jot down all your ideas so you remember them, and perhaps later you'll use them. Sometimes I come up with an idea that I don't use right away, and then four years later I'm able to use it. :) It happens! So keep up the good work! What a wonderful task you've taken upon yourself to write plays for your church. Sounds like a lot of fun. :)

      Thanks for commenting!


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