The Imaginary World of Emily McConnell (and the real one, too)

What could be lurking in the waters at this river? Hmmm,
sounds like a new story to be written! Welcome
The Imaginary World of Emily McConnell!
First off, I'm terribly sorry over the confusion of the new name of my blog, considering by accident I discovered once you switch a blog's name... you also make the old link invalid and therefore people who follow the old link will discover that the blog is gone. O_o Which isn't the case, it's just been switched over...
Sorry about that.

Ahem. But, if you've made it this far, then welcome! You've found the blog and I'm so glad you're back!

Now, I mentioned that when I wanted to switch the blog's name, I wanted something more relevant to me. Something grown up, something that meant a lot to me. I've spent the last week going over about a hundred different blog name ideas. Not kidding. I had ones like Write On Time, A Cowgirl's Scribbles, The Avantyurist, etc. Find anything relevant to me, and I probably tried it out.

"Augh!" I mumbled to myself. "I can't find the perfect name that's grown up and describes me at the same time!"

Well, after some consulting with my siblings and family, who also didn't know what I should name my blog, it came to me. Throw out the "grown-up" part and go with the "Emily" part, because the Emily part isn't necessarily grown-up, but she is imaginative, fun and trying very hard to grow up a bit more.

Thus came the name, The Imaginary World of Emily McConnell; (and the real one, too).

Why does this name mean so much to me? Because my world has and always will be full of stories and imagination. Long before I wrote stories, my favorite thing to play when I was three was imaginary characters. I didn't play much with toys, I played with invisible people I couldn't see. By the time I was five I had more imaginary characters and worlds than I did toys. I loved them! I loved pretending to swim in the ocean with my whale friends, flying with Peter Pan in Neverland, going on adventures with Thomas the Tank Engine, becoming a top chef and cooking for all my imaginary friends, fighting off bad guys and saving everyone in the world. I made up all kinds of things, and I still do. Without my "imaginary world", I wouldn't have half the stories I have now. 

Now, I probably shouldn't spend as much time in my imaginary world as I do, but that's another topic. :) For now, I think that's a fair explanation as to why the blog's name is what it is.

I love imagination. I love adventure. I love excitement. I love friends! I am so blessed to have been given all these gifts by God, and I want to share them all with you. :)

Thank you for hangin' in there as I made all these choices. Today marks the first day of the beginning of a great adventure, one I'm so excited to make with you!

So let's get started! I think you'll be surprised how little the posts around here change, because you may put me in the quest to become an author, but you still can't take the imagination out of me. :) Most of the post will probably remain just about the same as they were before-- full of randomness, stories and life. :)

Take care and God Bless!

~Emily McConnell

Whoa, this is an old photo. This was taken over seven years
ago, way before I got Bodie as my own horse. He was
twelve years old in this picture, and just as naughty
as ever!


  1. You could have changed your BLOG TITLE without changing the URL address, you know. I changed "Andi's Blog" to "Andi Carter's Blog" just by going into the gadget and renaming it. I did not touch the URL. That would have been deadly for me, what with . . . gulp . . . so many page views. I nearly dropped my teeth the other day when I went into my "stats' (I never check them) and noticed that some days I had over 1,000 page views. And I love that "live feed for visitors." I've seen visitors from middle Asia and Indonesia. Can't even pronounce the name of the country. But I can see their flags. You should get one. It's fun. The blinking-dot map is fun too. But alas, no one will look at it if it's not on a close-by sidebar.
    I posted your new info like you asked! :-)

    1. Thank you! And thank you for the suggestions. I had no idea what would happen if I changed the html name. Oh well, we learn by mistakes, don't we? :) Thank you so much for your suggestions and help, I do appreciate it. :)

  2. I like the new look Emily! :)
    Gee, it feels weird calling you Emily instead of Calamity... I guess I'll get used to it... ;)
    That first picture you put up is quite intriguing! I feel a short story trying to pop into my head...
    Have a great day! :)
    P.S. Have you finished Granite Flats season 2 yet? I can't wait for the next season to come out! It should be out sometime this month though.. :D

    1. Thank you Megs! Haha, yes, I imagine it will be a change for everyone to have to switch over and call me Emily instead of Rene or Calamity. :)
      I have not finished season 2 of "Granite Flats." I got caught up in "Person of Interest" and haven't finished up the season yet. :) Thanks for letting me know about season three!

    2. I guess it's good that you haven't finished yet...That way you won't have to wait for the next season to come out when you're done. hopefully it'll already be out! ;)

    3. Haha, my thoughts exactly! ;)

  3. Exciting and I love the name! It's going to take some getting used to the new look and address and title but hey, it's all part of this journey! May God bless this journey and your career as a cowgirl author!

    1. Oh and by the way, with the "imaginary world" I am the same way! So often I find myself zoning out into a role playing game or whatever!

    2. Awww, thank you so much, Bethany. :) I'm so glad you approve. I know the transition is a bit hard and different, but I'm excited to do it with all of you. It makes it that much easier. :)
      Thanks for your comments!

  4. Well great job, Calamity... err, well, I guess you're Emily, now. Your blog is very nice. Great job on designing it and the name is very nice. :) Marin approves as well!

    1. Thank you Mr. Trekker. I'm so glad you like it and thanks for stoppin' by! :D And thank you to Marin as well!

    2. I have to say I agree with Mr. Trevor. :D I love the new design! The name and new address will take some getting used to but I like it! :)

    3. Aww, sorry Jesseca 'bout the name exchange. That was somewhat of a disaster. I learned from it now. ;) Glad you like the new blog!

  5. Yay! I do like your new blog...although it's going to feel a bit strange at first. I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually! God bless!

    1. Thank you Rebekah! I'm so glad you like it. :) Your approval means a lot! B-)

  6. That's such an awesome blog name change! I've been thinking about changing my blog name possibly too (or more likely, shorten it, since it is a very long one). Living in our imagination is amazing, but I love the fusion of reality and fantasy even more. ^.^ Sadly it seems that only kids, with the exception of parents and LARPers, only get to achieve playing in our imagination nowadays.

    xoxo Morning

    1. Welcome to my blog, Mornin' Time! Thanks for stopping by. :) I think we as bloggers and writers kind of like to live in our imaginations as well. Even though I'm a Young Adult, I embrace the wild imagination I was born with and plan on keeping it as long as I can. :) If we're given one, there's gotta be a reason. My thoughts are to share the stories that are always revolving around my head and hope they bless someone else.

      Thanks for commenting and for stoppin' by!


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