Literary Heroine Blog Party!
Introduce yourself! Divulge your life's vision, likes, dislikes, aspirations, or something completely random! My name is Emily McConnell. Currently I'm pursuing a writing career in hopes of getting a YA contemporary fiction novel published. We'll see how that goes. I'm also hopefully going to start a job soon training two to three year old colts who have never been ridden. I still haven't gotten the call-back on that job, so I'm praying that it will happen. We'll see! :) Otherwise, I'm a very random kind of girl. I love history to the point I get tears in my eyes when I find a new history text book or biography at the library on my favorite topics, I love my horse Bodie and I can't wait to hit the trails with him and find new adventures, I love reading historical fiction books, writing, hiking, teaching English (the language) learning Russian, exploring, etc. For the last couple of years my history obsession has been the country of Russia. I live...