As of 8:12 AM this morning, I penned the words I am Cynthia. And I am free. Then with a satisfied grin I wrote The End, and set back to revel in the fact my first full-length Young Adult novel, resulting in eight months of writing, 337 pages and 89,939 words.
I am finished with the first draft of my book, Free.

I AM DONE! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now for five months of editing...


  1. Anonymous10/22/2014

    Congratulations Emily! I'm sure that feels great! Abs

  2. Awesome! I'm glad for you!

  3. YAY!!! Doesn't it feel great to be done? I had the same feeling when I finished my book, The Silver Flower. :)

    1. It feels... somewhat great. It's taking a lot of self control not to start editing right away, when I need to take two weeks off and let it sit for a while. Editing is also a bit daunting, as I am ready to tear my hair out at all the mistakes I know are in there. But other than that, yes, I'm glad it's done. :)

  4. Anonymous10/22/2014

    Yay! Congratulations! I wish I could finish my book as quick as you finished yours... Oh well! Good luck with your editing process!
    ~ JT

    1. Well, considering it took eight months I felt like I took a long time to write it. :) I've written children novels in two weeks before. (Meaning a book that's forty thousands words or less.) So I felt like this took me a lot longer. But I committed and I finished, which is what's important! I hope you finish yours soon, too. :) Keep on working at it!

  5. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! That's awesome!!!

  6. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!
    Hope the editing goes well :)

    1. Thanks Blessing! I sure hope it goes well, I'm a bit stressed out about it, but I need to be confident God will guide me through it. :)

  7. Congratulations!!!! Can't wait to read it!!! Its always encouraging to here about other young people who are persevering with writing;-)

    1. Thanks Janelle! What do you like to write? :)

    2. I really like story's in the old west and practically anything that involves history;-) I have 4 or 5 story ideas that I want to write about.. But for now I'm focussing on my current book I'm trying to write..;-)

    3. History is the best! I love history so much. This book was my first attempt at YA, which was never my intention to write in the first place, but I kinda felt like I needed to write this. :)

    4. Yeah;-) The pieces of my story are finally fitting together!!!
      How r u planing to publish your book??

    5. I'm planning to go through a mainstream publisher- if I can get someone to accept it. My guess is no, I won't be accepted as my book is not "politically correct". I have the Russians, N. Koreans and the Chinese invading America, which isn't exactly very P.C. (I'm not racist against those people or anything, (I'm Irish Mexican, for goodness sake. You can't be racist against people if you're that crazy mix! ;D) but considering North Korea and China are Communist and Russia isn't exactly a democracy, I could totally imagine them partnering together to invade their mutual enemy.) If it comes to the point no one will publish it, then I'll probably self publish through Create Space. What is your current book about?

    6. Well my book is about a15 year old girl who lives on a ranch out west in Colorado in 1870;-) she is the 3d oldest in a family of 5.... Her mother died 2 years before the story begins. Her father dies in the 3d chapter from some kind of a ranch accident.....I haven't decided what yet.. Well to make a long story short they find out that there father put a mortgage on the ranch and they only have 4 months left to pay it a rich mean man who needs some of there land for his lumber mill...And dosent take to kindly when the Arches tell him no. There only hope left is to sell a bunch if their cattle.... But on the way they encounter some unexpected and unwelcome visitors..... Theres a stampeed and Cassies brother get hurt very baddly...
      Will Cassierealize that family is more important than earthly things before Its to late???

  8. Wow! I'm sure that feels good! Congrats!
    I need to find time to work on my book...*sigh*
    Good job and I can't wait to read it!!!
    Don't get frustrated with the editing. I wish I had some advice to offer but, well, I don't. Sorry!

    1. Thanks Bethany! Yes, keep writing in your book. Never give up, keep pressing onward! Even if you have to get up at five-thirty in the morning to write (I was getting up at five-forty-five every morning and writing until seven-thirty to eight, just so I could get some extra writing done) do it. Writing is so rewarding, especially when you finish!
      I will try not be frustrated with editing. I just get annoyed when I KNOW there are so many things I need to fix, and I have to use a lot of self control not to go start fixing them now instead of waiting two weeks so I'll have a fresh perspective. Oh well, that's life. :)


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