
Showing posts from March, 2015

Where Did Everything Go?

You may have noticed my blog looks nothing like it used to. Well, I'm doing some revisions, it's eleven o'clock at night, and I'm tired. So I'm leaving it like this right now. This isn't how I want it to look, but I'm not even going to bother to try and fix it at the moment. I don't feel like it. :P I'm ready for bed! These are part of the big changes I was referring to. I am working on setting things up a little bit differently around here. That is...

The Journey Begins...

So, I had my appointment with the editor! *Scary music playing* And... it was rejected. *Hits head on keyboard* But... the good news is this-- she liked my presentation, and the reason Free was rejected is because Harvest House Publishers doesn't like Christian Young Adult Fiction because it doesn't sell. She recommended I get an agent and try for ZonderVan. So I take that to mean she liked it, but they don't have a place for it. :) The rest of the conference was a blast! I learned so much this past weekend, and, I will have to tell you, there are going to be some major changes on my blog. It is time for me to reveal myself, who Calamity Rene really is. And of course, realizing that it's time for Calamity Rene to grow up and give out her real name, I decided I'm going to do it with a story. So come next month, I will tell the story of who Calamity Rene is and how she got her pen-name. It's time for me to step up and become the writer I want to be. It's ...

The Great Appointment

I promised you all I would explain why I'm taking a break from Fourteen Cossacks this month. Well, I got my conformation email today, so here is the post I promised. As many of you know (and for those of you who don't) I have been working on a novel, titled Free, for the last year in hopes of getting it published. (To read about anything to do with Free and see some samples from the book, you can click HERE ) It currently stands at 95,000 words and 260 pages. It's about fourteen-year-old Cynthia Worley, a girl living in enemy occupied America who has no idea what freedom is or why it matters. Free is one of many books I've written, but it's the only one I've ever spent this much time on. Two weeks ago I finished the third edit on it and I'm working on finalizing all the pieces that need to be done.