
Showing posts from June, 2014

Voting time!

Hello blog readers! Well, I really need your help on something. As many of you know, I'm a writer in training and have worked on numerous stories, articles and fanfiction. I've gotten some of my articles published in the newspaper and a couple in horse magazines, and several months ago I won first place in my age category for a writing contest called the Circle C Adventures Story Contest. That was a blast! Currently though, I am working hard on my very first book that I hope to get published. I've written several books over the last couple years, trying to refine my skills and get better, and now I think I'm going to give the publishing world a shot. *Scary music* But if I can't get in with a main stream publisher (I doubt I will, it's so hard these days to find someone who will actually publish your work!) I may end up self publishing.

Sky Fest

This post is dedicated to a very good friend of mine, whom I know will be ecstatic to see these pictures. She's a pilot-in-training, and I couldn't stop thinking about her while I was at the Air Force Base! This past weekend was Sky Fest in our area, and we packed up our van and headed to the Air Force Base. I'll say this: it was huge. Giant. I was floored, it was so big! We got there and went through car security, then had our bags checked by the soldiers, then went through the metal detector. I know that sounds strict, but the soldiers have to make sure no one is going to blow up the base while there's 125,000 people there. Not kidding. That's how many people were there Saturday. The experience was amazing, I was in so much awe that I could hardly speak. The planes were enormous, the pilots so skilled and amazing, the electricity from the crowd was contagious. I loved every minute of it. When I watched the Thunder Birds do their world famous maneuvers...