The Random Questions Post

This past week, the lovely Heidi from Along the Brandywine elected that I answer some random questions, than pass the randomness around. :) I’m excited to join in the fun, and thank you Heidi for having me do this.

Here are the rules:
~ Paste the button onto your blog post.
~ Leave a new list of questions (or just pass on the question list you answered) and tag a few people of your random choice (and say why you tagged them, if you have time!) (Be original and nonsensical in your question-creativity - make the blogging world a cheerful place :-) And be disastrously random.)
Now for the fun...
~Write down three facts about you - one of them is WRONG. Let your commenters guess in the comments which one is wrong (and tell them in the comments after a while)
~Answer the questions of the person who tagged you - make it all super random and interesting

I will start with the three facts about me, and one of them will be wrong. You commenters are to guess which one is wrong. :)

Talk about old, this photo is four years ago when I began
horse training. The pony standing above me is Suzi (who
passed away two years ago) and the horse I'm sitting with
is Mia, who later became my sister's horse. This picture
is old!
1. I didn’t want Bodie as my own horse at first

2. I have ridden on a train more than once

3. I have read all the Narnia books

Now, to answer the questions!

~ Do you love the color pink?
I am fine with it. I must admit I never give much thought to the colors I wear (sheepishly I must also say I never pay attention to much of anything I wear so long as I can ride my horse in it. Sundays are the exceptions- I dress very nice for church) and I can’t say there’s a color I don’t like. Because of my hair color and skin color I look good in pretty much any color, so I’m good with them all! I do love blue and purple, though. :)

~ Your favorite book set in ancient times?
Oh… this is hard. I love a lot of books. How far back is ancient times? I don’t read much of medieval literature. ;) But I did really enjoy The Door in the Wall by Marguerite de Angeli. The idea, the story, the characters… they very much stood out to me. I loved doing that book for my school.

~ What color is your bedroom?
I share a room with my youngest sister, so it is white. BUT, I have tons of posters all over the wall to make it much more cheery. These posters are usually things like Circle C Adventures, Indiana Jones, my characters, drawings, horses, Clinton Anderson, Stacy Westfall, family photos, etc. So it’s a very beautiful wall once I’m done with decorating. :) Plus there’s a turkey on my wall. A real turkey tail with a body I made out of felt and stuffed. I should post a picture of it some time. His name is Tom, the greatest Kung Fu Turkey Master of are time. :)

~ Do you like traveling?
Yes, but I love staying at home as well. I’m a pretty content person, I like just about everything that we do. :)

~ Your favorite animated film?
AUGH! Don’t ask me this! I love so many of them! Kung Fu Panda 2 and Up are near the top, but if I had to choose one (which is very cruel, because I love lots of animated films) I really do love the movie Brave. Merida and her Mother’s growth in their relationship was very inspiring. I have a wonderful relationship with my mother, but I enjoyed the entire movie. Plus, she’s got an accent and a Clydesdale. Why wouldn’t I love Merida? And Mor’du is so creepy… and cool…

~ The shortest you’ve ever cut your hair?
I don’t know. Perhaps six inches from my head down? That was when I was five or something. I only trim my hair, I’ve never cut much off.

~ Your thoughts on butterflies?
Butterflies are sociable little delights with wonderful colors and great grace. They are sweet and very friendly and love to stop by for a spot of tea, chatting easily about the weather and life. They make wonderful friends, but do tend to seem a bit snobbish to those who do not know them personally. They flit about a lot and don’t seem to have much merit to their thoughts, but they do love to be friends with everyone, despite the obvious barriers of social status between them and people. (I literally made this up as soon as I saw the question...)

~ Do you enjoy putting together puzzles?
NO. I don’t like thinking games very much. I struggle a lot with staying on the task at hand (think ADHD: I have twenty trains going every direction all the time in my head and I’m constantly jumping tracks) and puzzles fluster me. I try to solve them, though, because once I do start something I’m reluctant to leave it unfinished. The problem is I have too many things going and keep trying to do them all…

~ Do you get excited when the daily mail arrives?
Yes! I love mail! If you want to see me light up like a Christmas tree, send me mail. I love letters and packages and everything! Mail is so precious to me. I have a wrist problem so I have trouble writing by hand (hence the reason I don’t do much mailing and stick mostly to keyboards, I can type without hurting my wrist) so I feel so special when someone sends me something in the mail. I have all my letters tucked away in a drawer up in my bedroom.

~ A favorite spring-ish period drama dress?
Uhm, I must not think too deeply on clothes because I’m not sure what this means. I have a really cute green and orange skirt that I love, I call it my trident skirt because it reminds me of the orange trident gum. I like wearing a orangish-tan shirt with it. I’d call that my special spring dress… but I guess it’s a skirt. I actually only own one dress. Now I feel sheepish again…

Okay, my turn to do questions! Randomness is about to happen!
Given the choice between writing historical fiction or contemporary, what would you choose?

You’ve been sent to a foreign land as a diplomat and you don’t speak the language. You’re supposed to be talking peace talks with this country. What do you do?

Surprise! You’ve been assigned to be the General of an army and you’re supposed to be planning a surprise attack on the enemy. What are you going to do and will your plan succeed?

Would you prefer getting married to a guy who is fairly good and will probably grow more through marriage or would you wait until you’re thirty-nine to marry the perfect man for you?

Indiana Jones just asked you to come and help him save the world. What are you packing for the trip?

You’ve been thrown back in time and discovered that T-rexes are vegetarians. How are you going to prove this to people in your time?

Asked by your best friend to attend her formal tea party, you arrive to discover that she’s invited the presidents/rulers of the world. What would you talk about with them besides politics (because some are bound to get angry when the discussion turns to politics and you can’t talk about those)?

The police force in your area has asked you to solve the crime of the missing purple giraffe. But you don’t like giraffes and this one has been known to be particularly rude. Are you going to help find him or not? (Bear in mind that he’s a stuffed giraffe who has a tendency to run off whenever he feels like it, and he very well could be on vacation somewhere)

Well Heidi, you told me to be random and I did what you asked. Hopefully this doesn’t make people think I’m too weird…
*Crickets chirp*

Okay, so I am weird, but not like a bad weird, right?

I’m going to be quiet now and make some friends answer these questions. ;) Because it takes a lot of work to go and let everyone know they've been nominated (and because they may not have time) I leave it up to my friends who read this blog to decide if they're going to answer the questions or not. Have fun and let me know if you do answer the questions so I can read them! :D I nominated those I thought would answer the questions.


  1. Thanks! I'm pretty busy (Which is why I didn't do the Leibster Award), but I'll try to get to it when I can.

    1. That's fine, Jordan. Whatever works for you. :)

  2. I'd say that you have NOT read all the Narnia books. It was a lot of fun to read all your questions to the answers :) Thanks for nominating me! Those will be some very fun questions to answer! B-)

    1. Crazy questions to answer you mean! lol!

    2. Yes, crazy questions !:) and I meant to say "answers to the questions" not "questions to the answers " :D

    3. I'm not crazy... I'm imaginative beyond capacity. ;)

    4. Umm...right. Got it! lol

  3. My guess is that you have NOT been on a train more than once. Not too weird, what are you talking about! You, me, everyone is too weird or else we wouldn't be on this blog! lol. Well, thanks for the nomination!

    1. Thanks... I think... ;) Everyone is too weird or else we wouldn't be on this blog... Does that mean this blog attracts weird people with big imaginations? ;) Haha, thanks Bethany!

    2. YES! That's me for sure!

  4. Anonymous4/23/2015

    I am guessing #2 in incorrect. Isn't mail the best!? I love receiving letters or packages!

    1. Yes, mail is wonderful! I should go check and see if my new ID card arrived yet...

  5. I love receiving mail too! :) I'm guessing #3 is wrong

    1. Mail is so wonderful. One of the best inventions of all time. :)

  6. What a fun post! I liked it! I'm guessing that you have never read all the Narnia books.

    1. I'm glad you liked it as well! I will tell you all tomorrow in my "Fourteen Cossacks" post which answer was false. :)

  7. Thanks for nominating me! I really like your blog! I'm going to guess that #2 is incorrect.

    1. You're welcome, Shai! I love looking at your pictures on pinterest. You have wonderful inspiration for writers. :)

  8. Thanks for nominating me, Emily!

    Um. . . I'm having a hard time choosing between 2 and 3, but I'm going to say that #2 is wrong. :)

    1. Quick question: How do I paste the button onto my blog post? I've never done that before. . .

    2. Oh, never mind. I think I've figured it out! :)

    3. I'm excited to see your post and how you answer, Blessing. You're welcome for the nomination. :) And I'm answering the question of which answer is right tomorrow in "Fourteen Cossacks" post. :)

    4. C.M.B.7/09/2015

      *Smugly* I know the answer, she didnt want Bodie as her horse at first, right Emily.

    5. Haha, yes, that was the answer. :) You can see my response on the "Fourteen Cossacks" post that followed this post. :) Thanks for visiting my blog, C.M.B! Do I know you from somewhere? 'Cause you seemed to know about me... ;) :D

  9. Ohhhhh, I'm going to guess two is wrong........this is hard! lol

    1. The answer is forthcoming with tomorrow's "Fourteen Cossacks" post. Check back then! :D

  10. Anonymous4/23/2015

    Oh, I forgot to guess!!! I'm guessing #1 is wrong.
    ~ JT

  11. I think I'm too late....Haven't seen an answer though. I am guessing 1. I remember reading a blog post about you wanting a different horse.

    1. The answer was in the "Fourteen Cossacks" post. The answer is #3, I haven't read any of the Narnia books. :) I chose the most unlikely things to be real and the likeliest one to be wrong. I love playing mind games. ;)

  12. Thanks so much for doing the tag, Emily -- I enjoyed your answers!

    Oh yes, blue and lovely together! I can't wear red, orange, or yellow (that is, I could, but you don't want to see me in them ;)) and I do LOVE blue, so I'm very happy it's my best color. ;)

    And The Door in the Wall! Yes, indeed, a great story. I haven't picked it up in a while, but I read it time and time again growing up. :)

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed my answers. It was so much fun to do. :) I'm really happy to participate. Plus, randomness is one of my specialties. :)


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